여러분도 다음 MyFitnessPal 성공 사례가 될 수 있습니다.

Here's just some of what the MyFitnessPal community has already accomplished

  1. "I lost 40 pounds in almost 4 months. I love this site and whenever someone tells me how great I look, I tell them about MyFitnessPal."
    - Lauramg
  2. "So far I have lost 50 pounds, but gained so much more. I love MyFitnessPal!"
    - oEmmao
  3. "I used MyFitnessPal to help me lose 135 lbs in about 16 months. The tools are easy to use and the community is wonderful support."
    - TamTastic
  4. "MyFitnessPal helped me become someone I never thought I could be. I've lost 66 lbs since joining last year!"
    - kerrilucko
  5. “Finding MyFitnessPal has made all the difference in motivating me to get serious about losing the 15 lbs I'd like to shed. The food diary is excellent, so easy to use and comprehensive! The support, help and tips are great as well!! I've learned a lot in the couple of months since joining and I am confident I will lose the weight I need to. I think this site is much better than any others I've investigated. I can’t tell you enough how much I truly enjoy this site.”
    - mnichol
  6. “2008년 1월 MyFitnessPal에 가입할 무렵 저는 이미 온갖 방법과 유행하는 다이어트는 다 해봤습니다. 제 식단과 운동을 기록해서 뭐가 잘못됐는지 볼 수 있는 웹사이트를 찾아 끊임없이 인터넷을 검색했습니다. 불행히도 보는 사이트마다 다 사용료가 붙거나 사용이 어려웠습니다. 그러다 Myfitnesspal을 알게 됐습니다. MyFitnessPal은 사용이 간단할 뿐만 아니라 정말로 무료더군요. 식단과 운동을 기록한지 불과 몇 주만에 체중이 줄기 시작했습니다. 5개월만에 거의 50파운드를 감량했고 제 삶은 달라졌습니다. MyFitnessPal로 체중을 줄이는 게 정말 이렇게 쉬울 줄 몰랐어요.”
    - SoupNazi
  7. “MyFitnessPal has become a daily fixture in my life. It has been and will continue to be the key to my weight loss journey.”
    - littleluvbug
  8. “2월 60파운드 감량을 목표로 MyFitnessPal을 시작했습니다. 오늘 아침(4월 말)에 확인해보니 이미 35파운드가 줄었더군요. MyFitnessPal이 없었으면 불가능했을 것입니다. 여기 도구는 정말 유용합니다. 사람들과 건강 얘기를 할 때마다 이 사이트를 추천합니다. 이 사이트에 정말 감사드립니다. 아직 많은 노력을 해야 하지만 이미 외모도 건강도 훨씬 좋아졌습니다.”
    - hartkid13
  9. “I've been yo-yo dieting my whole life. MyFitnessPal has taught me why I've failed in the past, and has helped me succeed this time around. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months, worked out and had fun, for the first time ever! I have a ways to go, but I know that I will reach it because now I know how to succeed the healthy way to keep it off!”
    - adopt4
  10. “I have been using MyFitnessPal for 4 months and have lost 30 lbs. This been the longest I have stuck with any healthy eating plan. The time has flown by! What had me from Day One was the excellent representation of Canadian foods in the database - especially the fact that you can add and share your own foods - and the active community of supporters from all over the globe!”
    - paddlemom
  11. "I was given this website by a friend of mine when I started my weight loss journey. I did not use it right away but then I decided to. I couldn't believe how many calories certain foods had and that I was eating them! I have lost a total of 21 pounds so far and I do know that without MyFitnessPal in my corner, I would not have been able to achieve a 21 pound loss! Granted I workout as well too but healthy eating has definitely helped a great bit!!! Thank you MyFitnessPal! I love the site and I recommend it to EVERYONE!!”
    - jenstrausbaugh
  12. "저는 자칭 요요현상 전문가입니다. 전 아는 사람이 살이 빠지면 뭔가 기적의 약이나 마법 같은 쉬운 방법이 있지 않을까 기대하면서 "와, 어떻게 한 거야?"라고 묻는 "그런 사람"이었어요. MyFitnessPal을 시작하고 나서 방법은 하나라는 걸 알게 됐습니다. 바로 열심히 노력하는 거였죠. 다이어트에 성공한 사람들의 이야기를 읽으면서 저도 그렇게 되고 싶었어요. 놀라운 음식 데이터베이스와 훌륭한 지원으로 저도 목표에 도달했고 지금도 계속해서 체중 관리를 하고 있습니다. 22lbs 이상을 감량한 이제는 5km를 뛰고 계속해서 몸을 많이 움직입니다. MyFitnessPal은 제 인생뿐 아니라 인생관까지도 변화시켰습니다."
    - chulie
  13. “Eye opening, Life changing and amazingly simple. MyFitnessPal has been the cornerstone of my success. MyFitnessPal has given me the tools and support I need to not only get healthy, but to stay that way!"
    - spyguy7540
  14. “MyFitnessPal has been the main tool I have used in my transformation from overweight and out of shape to lean and mean. Thanks in large part to MyFitnessPal, I am now 55 lbs lighter, in excellent physical condition, and studying for my ACE personal training certification. The support and friendships I have received from MyFitnessPal have spilled over into my every day life, and I am a better person for being a member!”
    - SHBoss1673
  15. “My sister introduced me to MyFitnessPal and I am SO glad she did! I have lost 5 pounds so far and absolutely love the motivation & support that the website provides! It makes weight loss something easy for ANYONE to do!!”
    - Iceprincessk25
  16. “2009년 1월 2일에 MyFitnessPal을 시작했습니다(굶을 각오를 하고 마지막으로 거하게 먹으려고 했었거든요). 하지만 음식 일지를 통해 정말 새로운 눈을 뜨게 되었고 운동으로 소모되는 칼로리를 기록하고 다른 사람들로부터 많은 걸 배우게 되면서 지금까지 38파운드를 감량했습니다. 모든 환자에게 MyFitnessPal을 권합니다. 전 체중 조절제를 처방하지 않습니다. 효과가 있다고 생각하는 약이 있었다면 MyFitnessPal을 했겠습니까? MyFitnessPal은 생활 습관을 변화시킵니다. 이게 바로 장기적인 해결책이죠. 체중 감량을 위해 필요한 게 뭔지 잘 알고 있습니다. 하지만 우리 의사들도 인간입니다. 이 사이트가 정말 좋고 사람들도 정말 좋습니다. 결과는 정말, 정말, 정말 좋고요.굶는 고생을 하고 있다는 느낌이 없습니다. 이건 정말 평생도록 이어질 인생의 변화가 될 거라 생각됩니다."
    - tennetubbie
  17. “MyFitnessPal has literally changed my life. After almost eight months and 29 pounds, my cholesterol has dropped a whopping 93 points!"
    - cheermom11
  18. "Nine months ago, at 180 lbs., I made a goal of 155 by 55- 155 lbs by my 55th birthday. Well tomorrow's my birthday and this morning, for the first time in 25 years I stepped on the scale and saw 155!!! Last night I played basketball with men 20 and 30 years my junior and I kept up with them! My blood pressure is down, my cholesterol is great. I'm loving life. Thank you God... and MY FITNESS PAL!"
    - jcrook
  19. “I started 4 months ago on MyFitnessPal and have lost 40 lbs to date. My husband started just after me and he has lost 50 lbs! I have told friends and family about this site and how easy it is to use.”
    - havingitall
  20. “It has been a little over a month and I'm 20 pounds down and feel great! My husband has also lost 17 pounds. I love MyFitnessPal - the reports are so great to see that you've been staying on track. It makes it so easy to track calories because you have such a great food database. The motivation and support I get on MyFitnessPal is so crucial. I do tell everyone I know to use this site because it is so easy! Thanks so much MyFitnessPal!”
    - holpak
  21. “Not only is MyFitnessPal helping me lose weight, but it is helping me see exactly how much I am eating and control my portions. It is so easy to use, anyone can do it! I tell everyone about this site!”
    - kel9680